Sawblade configurator Select your machine type -- Show all -- BAZCNC Circular saw Hand-held circular saw chop saw Chop saw mitre saw Pendulum saw Circular table saw Vertical panel sizing saws Multi-blade saw Which material are you working with? Wood Plastic Metal Holzart Wood type -- Select here -- timber Exotic wood veneer all types FU veneer coated panel material, FU HDF high density fibreboard coated panel material Multiplex plywood board solid softwood, rip up to 30 mm solid hardwood, rip over 30 mm solid hardwood, rip up to 30 mm solid hardwood, rip over 30 mm solid hardwood, cross grain up to 30 mm solid hardwood, cross grain over 30 mm solid softwood, cross grain up to 30 mm solid softwood, cross grain over 30 mm bonded panels solid wood panel, rip bonded panels solid wood panel, cross 3 S ply high density plywood, rip 3 S ply high density plywood, cross OSB oriented strand board brittle coated panel material, Kronospan® Chipboard FPY Plywood board FU blockboard STAE blockboard ST HFD hollow fibre insulation Kunststoffart Plastic type -- Select here -- ABS, acrylonitrile butadinstyrene 6 to 16 mm ABS, acrylonitrile butadinstyrene bis 6 mm ABS, acrylonitrile butadinstyrene over 16 mm Aluminum sandwich panels Alucobond® / Dibond® CFRP, carbon fiber panel CPL "Continuous Pressure Laminate", Dekoflex® DPL "Decorative Polyester Laminates", Tacon® Epoxy, epoxy resin Fiber cement board, Eternit® GFK, glass fiber reinforced plastic Gypsum board Hard paper, printed circuit boards, thin HPL "High Pressure Laminate", Resopal® Melamine resin impregnated hard fabrics Dytron® Melamine resin board, Trespa®, Max® Mineral dusts in PMMA, Corian® Medium density fiberboard MDF PA, polyamide 10 mm to 20 mm PA, polyamide up to 10 mm PA, polyamide over 20 mm Paper-based honeycomb panels Paper-coated foam boards, Kapa® PC, polycarbonate 10 mm to 20 mm PC, polycarbonate up to 10 mm PC, polycarbonate over 20 mm PE, polyethylene 10 mm to 20 mm PE, polyethylene up to 10 mm PE, polyethylene over 20 mm PMMA, acrylic glass 10 mm to 20 mm, Plexiglass® PMMA, acrylic glass up to 10 mm, Plexiglass® PMMA, acrylic glass over 20 mm, Plexiglass® PMMA, acrylic glass, profile double sheet aerated concrete , Ytong® PP, polypropylene 10 mm to 20 mm PP, polypropylene up to 10 mm PP, polypropylene over 20 mm PS, polystyrene 15 mm to 30 mm PS, polystyrene up to 15 mm PS, polystyrene over 30 mm PTFE, Teflon® polytetrafluoroethylene 10 mm to 20 mm PTFE, Teflon® polytetrafluoroethylene over 20 mm PTFE, Teflon®, polytetrafluoroethylene up to 10 mm PU, polyurethane 10 mm to 20 mm PU, polyurethane up to 10 mm PU, polyurethane over 20 mm PVC, polyvinyl chloride 10 mm to 20 mm PVC, polyvinyl chloride up to 10 mm PVC, polyvinyl chloride over 20 mm Metallart Metal type -- Select here -- Aluminum plates up to 10 mm Aluminum plates over 10 mm Aluminum profiles AL Copper profiles and sheets CU Brass profiles and plates MS Sheet steel-covered hard foam panel Steel sheets ST Select your sawblade Tool diameter -- Select here -- 80 100 105 120 125 127 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 215 216 220 225 230 235 240 250 260 270 280 300 303 305 315 320 330 350 355 370 380 400 420 430 450 460 480 500 520 550 600 Bore diameter -- Select here -- 12 16 20 22 25,4 30 32 36 40 45 48/30 50 55 57 58 60 65 70 75 80 Tooth form -- Select here -- point-hollow tooth point-hollow tooth neg. point-hollow / flat-flat tooth neg. flat tooth chamfered flat tooth triple-chip-flat-flat tooth triple-chip-flat tooth triple-chip-flat tooth neg. triple-chip-hollow tooth alternate bevel tooth chamfered alternate bevel alternate bevel tooth neg. Number of teeth -- Select here -- 10 12 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 44 46 48 50 54 56 60 64 66 68 72 75 76 80 84 90 96 100 108 120 132 Search Zurücksetzen We have the right saw blade for you The following saw blades correspond to your configuration 2001 LFZ 1 2002 LFZ 2 2003 LWZ 3 2005 LF 2007 Rasant 2012 LFA 2 2015 LFM 2020 QW 2021 UW 2022 GW 2023 KW 2024 VW 2025 UWD 2026 LWD 2027 VWD 2028 XW EN DE EN